I Am A Caregiver
It can be difficult to understand and manage your feelings when you care for someone diagnosed with cancer. Finding the right emotional and social support can be a lifeline. For family members and friends, we offer counseling, support groups, educational programs, skills-based series, health and wellness programs and social programs. At Cancer Support Community Greater NY & CT, caregivers, family and friends can find the support that best fits their needs.
For more information on the programs we offer for individuals living with cancer, or to sign up for a support group or activity, please call 914.644.8844

Short-Term Counseling
Cancer Support Community Greater NY & CT offers up to 6 counseling sessions for individuals, couples and families impacted by cancer. Counseling provides the opportunity to meet with a mental health clinician who is an expert in addressing common issues, such as anxiety, depression and caregiver stress.

Support Groups
Facilitated by an experienced licensed mental health professional, support groups provide ongoing emotional support for those with a friend or family member with a cancer diagnosis. Advanced registration is required for all support groups. For more information, please call 914.644.8844.

Social Programs
Social activities provide an opportunity to meet and connect with others who are impacted by cancer around a common interest.